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Intangible Marketing Techniques to Strengthen Your Brand

Intangible marketing may sound like a big word, but it’s simple! It’s all about making people love your brand for more than just what you sell. You don’t just want to sell things; you want people to feel good about your brand, trust it, and remember it. Let’s learn some easy ways to do that!

What is Intangible Marketing?

Intangible marketing means creating a feeling or experience around your brand that people can’t touch but can feel. It’s like the way you feel happy when you hear a song you love. You can’t touch the feeling, but it’s there!

In this type of marketing, we focus on things like:

Emotions: Making people feel happy or excited about your brand.

Trust: Helping people trust that your brand is good.

Experiences: Giving people positive memories with your brand.

Now, let’s look at ways to make people feel good about your brand!

Tell a Great Brand Story

One of the best ways to use intangible marketing is to make people feel emotions. This could be happiness, excitement, or even a sense of belonging.

You can create feelings through:

Fun commercials: Ads that make people laugh or feel good.

Kind words: Saying nice things to your customers in emails or messages.

Helping others: Showing that your brand cares about important things, like helping the environment.

When people feel good about your brand, they are more likely to support it.


Think about how pet stores sometimes show cute puppies in their ads. These puppies make people feel warm and fuzzy inside, so they remember the brand fondly!

Have a Strong Brand Identity

Your brand identity is how people see and recognize your brand. The way to use intangible marketing in this case includes:

Colors: The colors you use in your logo and designs.

Logo: A simple picture that stands for your brand.

Words: The way your brand talks to people.

When all these things are the same, every time someone sees your brand, it helps them remember it.


Think about McDonald’s. You know the yellow arches, the red packaging, and the friendly voice in their ads. All of these things make McDonald’s easy to remember!

Give People a Great Experience

A good experience can make people love your brand. It’s important to be kind and helpful and make things easy for your customers. Here’s how you can use intangible marketing in this way :

Be friendly: Treat your customers nicely, both in-person and online.

Make it personal: Call people by their names or give them personalized offers.

Surprise them: Little surprises, like an unexpected discount, can make people happy.

When people have a great experience with your brand, they will want to come back again and again.


Think of a clothing store that gives you a free gift when you buy something. It’s a nice surprise, and you’ll want to shop there again!

Build Trust

Trust is super important for a brand. When people trust your brand, they will keep coming back and tell their friends about it. Here’s how you can build trust:

Be honest: Always tell the truth regarding your product. Show reviews: Let people see what other customers say about your brand.

Be reliable: Do what you say you’re going to do.

When people trust you, they will feel safe buying from your brand.


Amazon is a brand that people trust because it always delivers on time and offers good customer service. If there is a problem, they will fix it fast!

Make People Feel Like They Belong

Everyone likes to feel like they are part of a group. Brands can create a feeling of belonging by:

Building a community: Create places for your customers to share their experiences, like a Facebook group or club.

Sharing values: Tell people what your brand believes in, like kindness, teamwork, or saving the planet.

Getting people involved: Ask your customers to share photos or stories about how they use your products.

When people feel like they belong, they become loyal to your brand.


Harley-Davidson, the motorcycle company, has a special group for their customers called the Harley Owners Group (HOG). It’s a place where bikers can share their love for the brand and make new friends!

Do Good Things for the World

Many people like brands that do good things for others. Brands that help the environment or support charities often win people’s hearts. To do this, you can:

Donate to charity: Give a part of your sales to a cause.

Be eco-friendly: Make sure your brand helps protect the Earth by using less plastic or saving energy.

Support a cause: Pick something important, like helping animals, and let people know your brand cares.

When customers see that your brand is making the world a better place, they will feel proud to support you.


TOMS is a shoe brand that gives a pair of shoes to someone in need for every pair you buy. This makes customers feel good because they are helping others.


Intangible marketing is all about creating feelings and experiences that make people love your brand. It’s not just about what you sell but how you make people feel. By telling a great story, building trust, and creating a sense of belonging, your brand can become a favorite in your customers’ hearts.

Use these techniques, and soon, your brand will be stronger, more trusted, and loved by everyone who experiences it.


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